intelect- genetics v/s environment........!!!
Intellect is a very highly cherished possession. but why are we different in having this intellect...??
Today the discussion is on capabilities or intelligence an
individual possess depends on
his/ her genetical makeup or not?
And my belief kept changing as the session moved on. So m
putting the questions that cut across me in the session and the answers that I
got slowly changed my belief.
The post is posted in the order the thaught process and
beliefs changed with the progress of the session.
There is a range in which the capabilities of an individual
can be divided. Someone has a liitle more of some capacity and someone has a
little less of some capacity. The point is what is this range?
iQ = mental age/ chronological age*100
here is something that came to me in between the discussion
the intelligence depends on your genes, its with environment that you are exposed to that
you can build up on it but cannot deny that with birth there was some genetical
difference in IQ of all of us.
When you build IQ more with proper environment, it can increase per individual but still
there is some level of intelligence that all individuals carry some IQ in their
genes. Eg – a mentally challenged kid and a normal kid will definitely have
differnet gene structure and hence they are the way they are.
We had an exercise of putting words in between words in 30
seconds. But if suppose I have never heard so many words before how would I put
them in?
So I came to believe that environment plays a very dominant
role in improving IQ but still there is a limit to which it may increase.? Is
there really a limit ???????????
Another question shakes all that I have said above….. HOW TO
CHECK IQ????????
There is always a subjective criteria to measure
intelligence and IQ which depends on community. Eg for a farmer iq could be
related to hard work and tilling land, etc, for me (as a student) it could be
expert in maths, ability to solve all maths questions I am exposed to.
IQ tests only learning. I agree. And the degree we all
differ genitically is negligible.
So iQ does not check ur capacity to learn and mental abilities
an individual is capable of but it checks learning.
Is grasping power in a time limit not a parameter to say two
individuals have different intellect?
Answer – genetics plays a very little role in learning.
Grasping power is a mix of analyzing, argumenting and questioning which will
come to you on learning.
Another meaning of grasping is understanding. Understanding is better if he is exposed to it
before. So he will take less time to understand.
Now the other question is a student prepares for an exam
just 2 days before exam and tops it, and the others prepare whole year but cant
top the exam. How can we explain this on
the basis of what I mentioned above??
The answer is that grasping and interest go hand in hand in the learning of a child.
So may be the one who topped the exam was having intense interest in the
subject as compared to others.
But the question is where does interest come from? Does
interest has anything to do with genes???
Also a little bit about
knowledge. Validated belief is
knowledge. This session is still to go so not much to say on it for now.
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