Wednesday, July 11, 2012

problems with education..

Education is considered to be the panacea or the starting step to eradicate problems of the society to at least some extent.  But after looking at the various aspects of how life unfolds (the way of living with its cruel circumstances) at the village level, the very objective of a just, humane, equitable, sustainable society stuck me as a very big question….???
The problems at cluster or village level are to be addressed by education of the young, a very noble concept indeed. But the question that stuck me was if only education could help us achieve what we are trying to achieve? Here is a cycle that goes round and round and hinders development and our  vision as a whole.
Here is how the thought came to me:-

Lets take an example of a child who goes to school everyday and is taught the ideal way.  if every child is being taught like that , what is the problem? Change should come soon??  This cycle gives idea of the above problem that occurred to me.

So the problems of poverty, health , corruption and all the others play a very crucial role along with the education of a child through which a just, equitable society is to be achieved.
Another point I thought as an answer to the above question is that there could be a way to hold students back in the schools whatever their situation may be.
1)      Governments role : The government exercises control over these issues. The gram panchayats check as to why someone is migrating or taking children out of school. Gram panchayats have their own funds, so they could address these issues by providing any help to the child and his family to make him stick in that village and that school.

2)      Individual effort: now as people working in the field I suppose if some little help from my side helps retain a kid to this ideal system of education that we talk about, we can try to do it ourselves with a little bit of help from my pocket as well. If that means a lot to someone`s education, we should readily di it.

3)      I also thought about a strict law that govt could put to stop misutilisation of funds but that is still a question to me. If someone would like to give any comments on this point…

4)      Looking into this I would like to know how other countries have maintained a quality level of education for all its citizens who have had similar problems like us. Specially Finland.


  1. very deep thoughts were expressed and intrestingly you suggested a tntative answer for the question you posed.

  2. you took great efforts to pose the crucks of education in India, good article. But have little bit disagrrement on your statement "Charity" because we can not bring social change on the basis of charity. There is need of strong right based approach for transformation....

  3. deep reflection being poured out...good work!!!

    one thing that always crosses my mind when we talk about strict laws is that "are we not having enough laws to ensure good for the society??? Is it the implementation where we failed??"

    more laws or better implementation seems to another unending debate!!
